Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law. 国家的独立和主权平等,是国际法上的一项根本原则。
Peaceful settlement of international disputes is the founding purpose of the United Nations and a basic principle of international law. 和平解决国际争端是联合国的宗旨,也是国际法的基本原则。
Meanwhile, the international investment law also adapts to the basic principle of the international law, especially the principle of the state sovereignty. 同时,国际投资法还须与国际法的基本原则相适应,特别是不能违背国家主权原则。
As one basic principle of international environmental law, the precautionary principle has been laid down or reflected in many multilateral environmental agreements. 作为国际环境法的基本原则之一,风险预防原则已经在许多国际环境协定中得到了直接的规定或间接的反映。
The proximate cause is a generally recognized principle of international law, but as to the principle, different countries have different understandings. 近因原则是国际保险公认的一项法律原则,但各国理论界对此认识不一。
It is the sacred right of each and every sovereign state and a fundamental principle of international law to safeguard national unity and territorial integrity. 维护国家统一和领土完整,是每个主权国家的神圣权利,也是国际法的基本原则。
Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law. 自此,韦伯斯特的正式声明就被遵为国际法原则。
The international cooperation principle is a basic principle of international law, and the international environmental protection is closely related to the international cooperation. 国际合作原则是国际法的一项基本原则,而国际环境保护离不开国际合作。
The doctrine of No cure no pay has been widely applied in the world and become a basic principle of international law on salvage at sea. 传统的无效果无报酬原则已被各国普遍采用并成为国际海上救助法的基本原则。
As a principle of public international law it establishes the sovereign equality of states with respect to trading policy; 作为国际公法的一项原则,它在贸易政策方面确认了各国的主权平等;
Equity doctrine is the basic principle of the international economic law and the international antidumping system should embody this equity principle. 公平原则是国际经济法的基本原则,国际反倾销制度也应体现公平。
This part focuses on two relevant laws, the continental shelf case of North Sea and the principle of international law. 首先概括了两部相关的法律对大陆架划界的条文规范,其次以北海大陆架案为个案,从案例角度进行剖析,最后从国际法原则的角度又进行了补充和完善。
These kinds of multinational pollution problems involved basic principle of international public law and nation duty and international compensate. 这些不同类型的跨国界污染问题,涉及到国际法的基本原则和国家责任及国际赔偿责任。
The corporation principle of international water law and its suggestion to water resource protection in China 国际水法中的合作原则及其对我国水资源保护的启示
On reflection of the fundamental principle of International Economical Law in our national law 论国际经济法基本原则在我国法中的体现
The principle is an emerging and developing basic principle of international environmental law, maybe in the future, it will obtain the legal status and effectiveness as being an international custom. 它是正在形成和发展中的国际环境法的基本原则,也许在不远的将来能获得国际习惯法的法律地位和效力。
On the Common But Differentiated Responsibilities Principle of International Environmental Law 论国际环境法的共同但有区别的责任原则
According to the basic principle of the international law, that is, the principle of Lex Personalis, a capital export country has the jurisdiction to its overseas enterprises. 根据国际法的基本准则,即属人法的原则,投资母国对其海外企业享有管辖权。
The fair principle is the general principle of the international law, while the equidistant medium line principle is the special case of the fair principle. 公平原则是国际法的一般原则,等距离中间线原则是公平原则的一种特例。
Sustainable Development, One Fundamental Principle of International Law 可持续发展是国际法的一项基本原则
As basic principle of international environmental law, the "Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities" is the new principle that comes into forming, so the jurists domestic and abroad put little focus on it and can not agree on it. 共同但有区别责任原则作为国际环境法的一项基本原则,是一项新的正在形成中的原则,国内外对其关注不多而且认识也不一致。
Due to the particularity of environmental protection, the sovereignty principle in orthodox contents is contradicted somewhat with the needs of global environmental protection. Its appliance in international environment relations has brought about the birth of a fundamental principle of international environmental law. 由于环境保护的特殊性,传统意义上的国家主权原则与全球环境保护的需要存在矛盾之处,其在国际环境关系领域的适用导致了一项国际环境法基本原则的产生。
Meanwhile, applying principle of international law within WTO dispute-settlement mechanism is theoretically and practically supported. 在WTO争端解决机制中适用国际法原则,具有充分的理论依据和现实依据。
Jurisdictional immunity of state and its property is a generally accepted principle of customary international law. 国家及其财产管辖豁免是一项普遍接受的习惯国际法原则。
However, on the whole, the principle of reciprocity should be a fundamental principle of international law and has played an important role in promoting cooperation in the choice of countries. 但是,从总体来讲,互惠原则应当是国际法的一项基本原则,其在促成各国选择合作方面发挥了重要作用。
If there is no common principle of international law on the test ban and the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, it is hard to restrict Iran directly, according to the special law. 从特殊法的角度来进行考量,在禁止核试验、不扩散核武器等方面尚未形成习惯国际法规则,也难以直接对伊朗进行规制。
Firstly, this chapter recognizes exhaustion of local remedies is a generally recognized principle of international law, and then inquires what local remedies need to be exhausted. 本章首先承认用尽当地救济办法原则是公认的国际法原则,然后论述了应当用尽的当地救济办法,并且对这一原则的适用范围和性质进行了论述。
Furthermore, the challenge procedure is independent of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and it is the reflection of the principle of international law, specifically, settlement of economic disputes through peaceful and friendly way and maximum utilization of local remedy. 质疑程序独立于WTO争端解决机制之外,反映了和平友好解决经济争端和尽可能运用当地救济方式的国际法原则。
First, the thesis analyses that the right of self-determination is one of the principle of international law. 首先分析了自决权是国际法的一项原则。
The principle of respecting national sovereignty is an important principle of international law, but also the one which is must be complied with when dealing with international crimes. 尊重国家主权原则是国际法的重要原则,也是各国处理国际犯罪案件必须遵守的原则之一。